Gallery: New lamp designs from Hendriksholm Skole

Students from Hendriksholm School have recently created a collection of beautiful new lamps which are now on exhibition in the main hallway at TekX. The design process began with creating protoypes with cardboard and tape. Next, the students worked with Makercase and RD Works to create their designs. The lamp designs are based on parametric boxes – basic geometic shapes whose sides are joined together with finger joints.
The basic box designs have at least four sides and a maximum of eight sides, plus a top piece with a hole for the light socket and light bulb. Students also added thier own designs and shapes that would be cut out of the sides. The basic elements for the the lamps were cut out with a laser cutter, and afterwards painted and then assembled. The lamps are currently on display at TekX until the students take them home. View the photos below to see the entire creative process.